Plots Land North Dakota

  1. Plots Land North Dakota For Sale
  2. Plots Land North Dakota North Dakota

Desktop and mobile viewer that contains real time Private Lands Open To Sportsmen (PLOTS) information provided by the Game and Fish Department.

Plots land north dakota county

Not to be used for navigation, for informational purposes only. See full disclaimer for more information

North Dakota statute protects landowners who lease their land to the state for recreational purposes. Landowners are not liable for anyone getting injured on property enrolled in PLOTS. Refer to North Dakota Century Code 53-08-04 or contact the Department for more information regarding limited liability. Can I cancel my PLOTS agreement? Find public and private hunting land in North Dakota with onX, the #1 hunting GPS and map app. PLOTS maps, landowner boundaries, aerial and topo maps.

Data and Resources

  • Most North Dakota hunters are familiar with the Private Land Open to Sportsmen program, which provides walking hunting access to more than a million acres of private land, all visibly marked by prominent triangular yellow signs. The Private Land Initiative, however, is more than just the PLOTS program. It has three main priorities.
  • As used in this section PLOTS is private land enrolled by the Department for purposes of hunting as established under North Dakota Century Code chapter 20.1-02-27. Walk-in access for purposes of this section is defined as an individual travelling by foot with any legal weapon, equipment, accessories, and provisions for the purposes of hunting.
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  • PLOTS Guide Map - Web Applicationhtml

    PLOTS Guide

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Release Date
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Area
POLYGON ((-102.151748791 48.998722201, -97.228911505 49.000389296, -97.090244684 48.68417629, -97.175485058 48.562034759, -97.14664896 48.14263821, -96.850987495 47.59851116, -96.839191889 47.006813816, -96.75262323 46.923788252, -96.798155512 46.629493005, -96.599331832 46.329919017, -96.563228102 45.935220029, -104.045492816 45.945191416, -104.048726205 48.99981441))
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Public Access Level
  • Keywords -
  • Category Hunting
  • Region -
  • Prostaff Member -

Over the past two decades the North Dakota Game and Fish Department has emphasized wildlife habitat enhancement and hunting access on private land through its Private Land Initiative.

Most North Dakota hunters are familiar with the Private Land Open to Sportsmen program, which provides walking hunting access to more than a million acres of private land, all visibly marked by prominent triangular yellow signs.

The Private Land Initiative, however, is more than just the PLOTS program. It has three main priorities:
• Conserve habitat for fish and wildlife populations.
• Provide landowners interested in wildlife conservation with cost-sharing assistance for developing and protecting wildlife habitat.
• Provide public opportunities to access fish and wildlife resources on private land.

Conservation PLOTS agreements are one of the ways Game and Fish biologists work toward these priorities. Within the PLOTS program, producers can choose from several types of agreements to find one or more that works for their operation:
The Habitat Plot Program is designed as a multi-year rental program of 3-6 years or 10-20 year agreements that help to create, enhance or protect wildlife habitat while providing public access.

The Food Plot Program is a short-term program that provides a wildlife food source and public access.

The Private Forest Conservation Program is a multi-year rental program that works to provide protection and enhancement in unique forested systems and also provides for public access.

The CRP Cost-Sharing Program provides assistance with establishment and management costs associated with Conservation Reserve Program contracts, in exchange for public access. The objective of this program is to improve hunting access in areas where it has traditionally been limited.

The Wetlands Reserve Program incentive is a partnership program between the Game and Fish Department and U.S. Department of Agriculture's Natural Resources Conservation Service. This option provides additional incentives to producers with land enrolled in WRP. The primary purpose of WRP incentive is to restore, protect or enhance wetlands and associated uplands, as well as provide for public access.

The Waterfowl Rest Area Access Program is designed to provide waterfowl hunting opportunities in grain fields and small sloughs around waterfowl staging areas.

The Tree Planting Cost-Sharing Program provides assistance with tree planting establishment costs. The goal is to enhance wildlife habitat and conservation on private land and provide public access.

The Working Lands Program is a short-term program based on wildlife value of lands actively farmed or ranched, while providing public access. Biologists evaluate current farming or ranching management practices, and place values on components such as conservation practices, good stewardship and quality of hunting habitat and public access.


The Game and Fish Department has many partners that help carry out wildlife habitat projects on some PLOTS, including the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Pheasants Forever, Ducks Unlimited, North Dakota Natural Resources Trust, Mule Deer Foundation, Pheasants for the Future and local wildlife clubs.

The PLI program is completely voluntary for landowners and interest remains high, solidifying its future as an important component of North Dakota's outdoors.

The printed version of the 2011 PLOTS Guide, where hunters can find detailed maps showing locations of PLOTS and other lands open to public hunting, is now available at license vendors throughout the state. The Game and Fish website at also has an online version that includes any updates since the printed version rolled off the press in late August.

Plots Land North Dakota For Sale

Leier is a biologist with the Game and Fish Department. He can be reached by email:

Plots Land North Dakota North Dakota

Posted by Doug Leier under Hunting on September 21, 11 10:49 AM Permalink