Wy Hotsprings
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WY: WATER: Hobo Hot Springs/North Platte River: TYPE: Hot springs/river: DESCRIPTION: Known as the 'Saratoga Natural Hot Springs' or 'Hobo Pool', on the east end of Walnut Ave. In Saratoga, WY is Hobo Pool, where a sandy bottom (concrete and covered) pool is fed by the 117-128 degree water of Saratoga Hot Springs. WEB INFO & PHOTOS. Total population of HOT SPRINGS County, WY: 4,812: Male population of HOT SPRINGS County, WY: 2,377: Female population of HOT SPRINGS County, WY: 2,435. Hot Springs is a day-use park. The Hot Springs State Park bison herd is the central herd for the Wyoming State Parks. During the late fall and winter months, the park bison are.
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The MapServer has information for Real Property attached to the land only. If you would like information on mobile homes, personal property or State Assessed property you may need to contact the Assessors Office (307) 864-3414, or look on the Property Tax link for the tax information.
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This map/data is provided by Hot Springs County Wyoming and is for display purposes only. Understand that this data is dynamic and although it is updated regularly the most current information may not be reflected on the map. All property characteristics are based on the best information available.
Some of the map layers may appear to be misaligned relative to others. Individual layers may have been developed for different purposes, and by varying technical procedures carried out by different individuals or agencies. The data contained on the maps is used to locate and identify parcels of land in Hot Springs County for reference purposes only and is NOT to be construed or used as a 'legal description'. Actual legal property descriptions are recorded in the Hot Springs County Clerk's office as deeds, plats or other legally recorded documents. Hot Springs County invokes its sovereign and governmental immunity in allowing access to or use of this data, and assumes no liability associated with the use or misuse of this information.
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